Understand Your Baby’s Health Needs

Understand Your Baby’s Health Needs

Babies grow at a phenomenal rate. Their bodies are constantly changing – getting bigger and stronger as they explore their new world. This pivotal stage of development lays the foundations for the baby’s health.

Despite being small, babies’ bones are extremely resilient, almost ‘elastic-like’. This foundation enables the baby to maintain an accelerated growth rate. All newborn babies go through a lot of trauma during the birthing process due to the contractive pressures exerted during labour. This can cause soft tissue tension and misalignment of the cranial bones which are not yet fused to form an adult skull.

Osteopathy is a safe form of treatment for babies. As babies can’t articulate what they can feel, it can be more of a challenge to understand where they are actually experiencing pain. Fortunately Dr Anin has treated dozens of babies, achieving success with feeding difficulties, colic, reflux, persistent vomiting, ear infections and incessant crying. Due to the resilient nature of babies – and their fast growth rate, babies typically respond to treatments much faster than adults. They continually adapt to physical developments and learn to live with change.

Need further advice? Contact Inlign Osteopathy today.